Floor plan

Heights Yokohama 501 Apartment in Yokohama for ¥13,800,000

Listed price: ¥9,800,000

Brokerage fee + tax: ¥521,400

Stamp tax: ¥10,000

Real estate registration tax (approximate): 2% of asset value*

Fixed asset tax: 1.4% of total asset value:*

City planning tax: 0.3% of total asset value*

Approximate Total Cost: ¥14,628,000¥14,766,000


Approximate gross yield: n/a

Approximate net yield: n/a

Annual rental income: n/a

Running costs: ¥13,750

* Total cost of ancillary taxes and fees will be between 6% and 7% of the listed price. Asset Value, which can fluctuate on a yearly basis, is substantially lower than the listed Market Value. Actual tax is calculated annually by local legal affairs bureau once a year. Exact amount of tax is not known until the municipality sends out the tax bills at the end of the fiscal year.

Inquire HERE using this contact form or call 045-663-2208 | 080-9511-7860

You can also email directly at robert@basyamichijisyo.com

(Closed Tuesday and Wednesdays | Hours 10:00 to 19:00)


Building entrance (towards back)

Building lobby with parcel delivery lockers

Building lobby with mailboxes and vending machine

Fifth floor elevator and hallway to flat

Apartment entrance view from outside (left) and view from inside (right)

Shoe closet

New toilet with heated seat and bidet (left) and overflow pan for washing machine (right)

Electric hot water heater and tank (left) and unit bath with ceiling mounted heater and laundry dryer (right)

System kitchen with two-burner gas stovetop and fish grill

New floors, walls, ceiling, window screens, and remote intercom connected to apartment entrance exterior

New floors, walls, ceiling, window screens, and ceiling light

New AC with heating, cooling, and dehumidifying function. Space for large refrigerator next to system kitchen (right)

New floors, walls, ceiling, system kitchen, and remote intercom connected to apartment entrance exterior

New window screens and small balcony for the AC compressor unit

View from apartment window looking northeast

View from apartment window looking southeast

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